Benefits and Best Practices
Labels are a part of our everyday lives. They can be seen on food, clothing, medical supplies, and more. Labels provide information about the product including ingredients, nutritional value or warnings of potential hazards. The laboratory label experts will go over the benefits of labels as well as best practices for labeling your products in a way that is compliant with federal law and provides optimum safety to consumers.
The first thing to consider when labeling your product is what type of label to use. There are several options for labels including adhesive, pressure sensitive, and clothing. The most important thing about choosing a label is that it must remain on the container or garment during washing cycles as well as normal wear-and-tear over time..
The second step in creating compliant labels is to ensure that the label adheres properly to clothing or containers. A label should not peel up at any edges, curl, wrinkle or separate from its container over time after being applied.
The third step in labeling a product correctly involves choosing a location on the garment where it will be most visible and readable without compromising fit or style of the clothing. This will ensure that the label is visible but does not detract from your product’s design or look..
Next, once you have decided on a location for your label it should be affixed to the garment with care so as not to ruin its appearance. A good way to secure labels onto apparel is by folding them over and taping them on the inside of your clothing.
The final steps in creating compliant labels is to choose a font and text size that will be easy for consumers to read as well as including mandatory information about ingredients, net weight or volume, and nutrition facts if necessary..